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At Rushden Primary Academy, you will see engaged children who are all challenged. They have the skills to use methods independently and show resilience when tackling problems. They recognise relationships and make connections in maths lessons. They talk confidently about maths to their peers and teachers, using correct mathematical language to explain their ideas.   They know how and why maths is used in the outside world and in the workplace. They can independently apply mathematical concepts to new problems in unfamiliar situations. They demonstrate a quick recall of facts, including the recollection of the times tables. 

Pupil's work- photographs through the key stages 

Maths across the academy
Go to this Sway

Pupil and staff voice

In a recent pupil voice survey, 90% of children said that they enjoyed maths, 65% of pupils said that using concrete manipulatives helped them with their learning and 90% of children said that maths helps them outside of their maths lessons. 

Awards and certificates 

Every week, we honour exceptional students in mathematics during our Celebration Assembly. These students have demonstrated remarkable skill, reasoning, motivation, and determination in their mathematical pursuits. They receive a well-deserved award, inspiring their peers and fostering a culture of excellence in mathematics within our school community.
