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Safer Internet Day Celebrations

Safer Internet Day 2024

This year, the theme was ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’. Therefore, during our whole school assembly, we started by hearing the sound of the internet connection sound - what more could you ask for when it comes to change?! Not one child, in the whole school, knew the battle our adults had to endure!

Then, after discovering the theme for the day and how the physical technology has changed and adapted. We focused more on the change our devices go through, when pop ups appear on screen or settings may change without us allowing them to. This was a great way to start the day and prepare the children for their activities.

After the assembly, children returned and completed an age appropriate activity led by their class teacher.

EYFS had to match the old devices to recent devices:

Y1 and Y2 discussed what the future of technology could look like and what they'd like to see integrated to make children safer in years to come.

In Y3 and Y4, the children had to try and put the devices in to chronological order. After discussions about how they might feel when their device features change, for example pop ups and scary videos, they then investigated what features future technological devices could have, which might keep children safe in the future. 

Finally, in Y5 and Y6, the children look at influences on social media. They shared influences that have positive impacts on their lives, whilst also identifying negative influences that have worrying impacts on people's lives. From here, the children collected characteristics that positive influences should have, which was a powerful session to identify what the children deemed positive.

Following this activity, the children had the opportunity to create their own imaginative influencer. The children had to identify what interests they would influence about and potential posts they might share with their followers to impact their day and feelings positively.

Our day was an extremely positive one and hopefully one, that the children will recall for a long time. It's such a positive message:

Safer Internet Day 2023 

Our day was celebrated by the whole school. Each class chose activities they wanted to complete to observe this amazing event. Here are some examples of the tasks completed by our pupils: 

Following the success of Safer Internet Day we celebrated it again for 2023. The focus of safer Internet day 2023 was 'want to talk about it?' the aim of this was to encourage discussion between children and families about their online experiences, ways to keep safe whilst online and what to do if something happens you are not sure about. Here are some examples of the work completed: