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Each year group produces art work using various techniques and media on a two year cycle. .  These are: drawing, painting, printing, collage and 3D and textiles.   In the Summer Term we take part in Arts week when all year groups take part in  various activities from across the arts. 

Years 1 upwards use a Sketchbook to record their initial ideas and experiment with different techniques.  They then produce their final piece of artwork.  Many of the units are inspired by an artist, architect or craftworker.  These have been chosen carefully to ensure a good range of artists from a range of cultures and backgrounds.  Each unit also incorporates the use of ICT. 

Our lessons follow the 'Flight of the Kite'.  The reactivate part of the lesson gives the children the opportunity to consider artists and techniques they have learnt about so far.  The teacher will model the technique, often using their own sketchbook and the visualiser.  The review part of the lesson gives the children the opportunity to review their own and others' work.