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Family Support

Family Support Worker

At RPA we believe in supporting our families, not just our children, as family life is so important to children's happiness and development.

Our Family Support Worker is Debs Francis.

Debs supports parents and carers of our children in a number of ways, including the following:

  • Help with parenting strategies and managing difficult behaviour
  • Coordinating Early Help Assessments (see download below for more information)
  • Domestic Abuse Support (see link across the page)
  • Dealing with worries about how your child is coping in school or at home
  • Signposting and referral to additional services such as:
  • School Nurse Team
  •  IASS - Information Advice Support Service for SEND  
  • Community Law-Drop In service and advice on debt management, housing and benefits
  • 123 Magic Parenting Groups
  • Triple P Parenting Groups
  • Solihull Parenting Groups.
  • Specialist Support Service for Autism and SEND
  • ....................................and many more.

Debs is also one of our Safeguarding Leads.

If you want to drop in and have a chat with her about any of the above

(or about anything that you feel is impacting on family life) 

just pop into reception to make an appointment, call on 01933 201200, or email Debs direct at the email address above.

Debs works Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday during term time.