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Healthy School

Healthy School Lunch Ideas - Quick and Easy School Lunch Ideas


At Rushden Primary Academy, we adhere to being a 'Healthy School' and make the right choices for our children that are in line with a key criterion. The lunch options are carefully selected to promote healthy eating and our D&T curriculum, which includes food, is built on encouraging children to grow healthily, safely and responsibly.

To really enforce this important message, we would like to introduce our families to our Whole School Food Policy, which outlines the steps we take to supporting our children's lives with their lifestyle. This can be accessed at the bottom of this page.

Furthermore, we are launching a Healthy Eating Campaign ready for the 23-24 term. It uses the mantra, 'healthy food improves your mood' to motivate our children to make better choices and understand the fundamental changes that they can make to their lifestyle, which will benefit their learning. We encourage you to read and 'digest' (pun intended) this poster and make some changes with your child's lunch box and snack choices.