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Cross Curricular Computing

Maths Day:

As part of our maths day celebrations KS1 used the Bee Bots to explore number. The children would roll the dice and then navigate the Bee Bot to the corresponding number or for additional challenge complete the addition number sentence and navigate the Bee Bot to the answer.


As part of our art curriculum children use their computing skills to explore and design/plan their projects. For example Year 1 were exploring painting water lilies so in addition to creating on paper they also created a digital piece.

Year 2 using paint to explore London Landmarks after learning about architect Christopher Wren. They have also explored repeating patterns after spotting them in the wallpaper designs:

Eco Day:

As part of Eco Day some year groups used Excel to record how their class had travelled to school. Many discussions were also had about how to support the environment by ensuring technology was not left on when not being used.