Performance Tables
Our Performance – Headlines 2024
EYFS pupils are assessed at the end of their time in FS. They are assessed against a variety of criteria and receive a judgement of ‘Good Level of Development’ (GLD) if they meet these criteria.
GLD: The % of pupils achieving GLD in 2023/2024 was 75%.
Year 1 pupils are screened to assess their phonic level of understanding. If they do not pass in Y1 they are retested in Y2.
Year 1 Phonics:
- 86% passed the Phonics Screening Check in 2023/2024.
- In Year 2, 97% of pupils passed the Phonics Screening Check.
Attainment-% of pupils reaching the expected standard
Year 2 end of KS 2023/2024
- 69% Reading with 20% achieving greater depth standard
- 72% Writing with 5% achieving greater depth standard
- 77% Maths with 16% achieving greater depth standard
- 67% achieved in Reading, Writing and Maths combined with 3% at greater depth standard
Progress of pupils between KS1 and KS2.
There is no progress data for 2023-24 due to missing data (COVID).
Attainment- % of pupils reaching the Expected Standard and Greater Depth:
- 77% achieved the expected standard in Reading with 18% achieving greater depth standard
- 80% achieved the expected standard in Writing with 10% achieving greater depth standard
- 77% achieved the expected standard in Maths with 17% achieving greater depth standard
- 78% achieved the expected standard in GPS with 35% achieving greater depth standard
- 85% of pupils achieved the expected standard in Science
- 67% achieved in Reading, Writing and Maths combined with 8% at greater depth standard
Average Scaled Scores
Average scaled scores for:
Reading: 104.5
Grammar, punctuation and spelling: 106.2
Maths: 104.5
Follow the link below for the DfE Performance Tables for Rushden Primary Academy: