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Before and Afterschool Club - Registration & Agreement

Please complete this form if you would like a place at our B&AS Club.  Places are allocated to start at the beginning of each half term.  If a place is available then you will be contacted in the last two weeks of a term to start after the school holidays.

Breakfast & Afterschool Club Registration

Pupil Leave of Absence Request Form

Please complete this form if you would like to submit a pupil leave of absence request.  You will receive confirmation of the authorisation decision within 7 working days.

By completing this Absence Request I understand the following:

1. Absences from school will only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.

2. No child may be granted more than 10 days leave in any school year.

3. The school may authorise all or part of the Leave of Absence requested.

4. If the absence is not authorised and I still take my child out of school I understand that if my child is absent for 10 consecutive sessions or more (a session being a morning or an afternoon) the Academy will make a referral to the Educational Inclusion and Partnership Team. This may result in a Fixed Penalty Fine of £60 being issued in respect of each child and each parent.

5. If we are delayed in returning we will contact the school to explain why as soon as is possible.

Parents should refer to the schools Attendance Policy when making a request.

Leave of Absence Request Form

Medical Form

Please complete this form if you would like us to administer medication prescribed by your child’s doctor.  One form to be completed for each medication and only prescribed medication needing to be taken four times or more a day can be administered in school.  The school will only administer one dose during the school day.

The only exception to this will be where a child is in both breakfast and afterschool club in which case we will administer (once) if prescribed to be given 3 times or more per day.

Once submitted, please arrange a date and time to bring the medication to the School Office.  You can contact us via email or by phone on 01933 201200.

Medical Form

Administration of Long Term Medicines

Please complete this form if your child needs to take medication during the day for long term medical conditions e.g. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, allergy.

Administration of medicines information;

In order to provide support and assistance to parents and to allow pupils to continue their education without prolonged interruption, the Academy offers to administer medication to pupils via designated trained staff.  For health and safety reasons, pupils must not carry medicines/ tablets around the Academy in their bags, apart from asthma inhalers and EpiPens.

If your child takes medication on a regular basis please contact our office staff to discuss his or her needs as soon as possible.

Administration of Long Term Medicines